A Puzzle for Logan

A Puzzle for Logan    by Richard Macandrew

     I read A Puzzle for Logan this week. It's about a case of murder. Ronny Campbell, a muder, has escaped from prison. A young woman body was found in the park this afternoon. This main character, Logan was called by Grant on his holiday. They worked together in a police officer. They visited a man, Jimmy Brown, who had lived with the killed woman.
'Well, it's the pigs.'
     This is the words Jimmy said to Logan and Grant. I thought when I saw it, "What? What's the pigs?" I thought there were pigs in Jimmy's house, but I found "it" means Logan and Grant. People call the police a lot of different names: bobbies, coppers, the cops, and other worse things. I was surprised to know it. This story is written at the view of polices, so I felt their hardships and burden  in some places.
     It made me excite and feel uneasy. Many characters appeared in this story, but it was easy to read. Please read it.


  1. I thought it sounds difficult to read beacuse there are many character. But, I want to read. (Haruna Katsuki)




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