
12月, 2019の投稿を表示しています


THE BEAST   by Carolyn Walker      This week I read THE BEAST . It is a mistery. I wrote down three quotes and will discuss them. The first one is: ' It was about Dad last night. I thought he was alive again.' (p.13). Susie, this main character, lost her father last August. It's the scene that Charlie, her husband, worried her. I didn't know this is a sign they will catch an accident. The second one is: ' Now I look from my window and see that the light is going from the earth.' (p.24). It's a quote from Chapter 6 Voice of the Beast. I thought it's wolf's line. The third one is: ' That first night in Tom and Kathryn's house, Susie slept deeply and dreamlessly.' (p.52). It's the scene that after Susie escaped from Richard, she slept at Tom and Kathryn's house.      Honestly, I didn't understand this story well. I found Richard was a beast and tried to attack Susie, but... I didn't know why. This story was difficult f

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre  by Charlotte Bronte      This week I read Jane Eyre. This book is written about a woman's life. This main character is Jane Eyre. When she was a child, she was an orphan, so she lived in her aunt house with the Reed family. The Reed family hated her, so she was sent to the school for orphans. After she had been at the school for about eight years, she found work as a governess. Then, she met Mr Rochester, her future husband.      I wrote down three quotes and will discuss them. The first one is: ' "I knew when I first saw you that you would help me one day. Your eyes and your smile told me. '(p.23). It is the scene that Jane and Mr Rochester fall in love. Jane heard Grace Poole's laugh at the night, and she told that Mr Rochester. This is a fact after reading all, Grace Poole was his wife. But she was mad and  tried to kill him. I sympathized her a little because she was forced to marry unwanted and she was abandoned by Mr Rochester. The second one i