
4月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

A Love for Life

A Love for Life   by Penny Hancock       I read A Love for Life . This is about Fanella, who is an editor in a publishing company. She has wanted to have a child since before, but she broke up with her boyfriend. She adopted a five-years-old girl, Ellie. She is a strange child. Teresa, Fanella's best friend introduced Rod for her. Rod is a kind teacher. Ellie liked him very much. Fanella loved him, but she knew he had a rich blonde wife. One day, he suddenly quited a job for a while due to a bad faith of a mother hates him. He felt so nervous and decided to write story about children. He wrote and took it to Fanella. That gave the chance they got closer.      I finished reading it for 5 hours. It's easy to read but little long. It was interesting because I felt sympathy with fanella. She is in a complex situation. Her life is hard. But I admire her a little.

Self introduction

     My name's Ozaki Mizuho. I'm from Kumamoto. I'm belong to tea ceremony club. Last year, I made tea for the first time in Hakua Festival. I was really nervous, but I enjoyed because I could wear kimono. I want to teach the first-year college students how to make tea.       I like listening to the musics and reading comics. My favorite comic is Chainsaw man. This is about devils hunters. During self- restraint period, I have been reading this. I also love ZOC which is an idol group. I follow Senritsu Kanano, is a member of them. She's very pretty and beautiful! She helds her YouTube channel with her sister, so I'm always looking forward to being posted videos.       I study English for TOFUL exam recently. I'm trying to prepare harder because this spring vacation is postponed. I'm bad at presenting in front of many people, so I want to be able to speak better than last year. Also, I want to go abroad to study this year. I hope the coronavirus will end s